Gealber Morales via curl-library
2021-05-24 18:59:00 UTC
Hello again,
I managed to make one test case, but it's more an imitation of other tests
than a proper understanding. I will share here part of the doubts that I
have right now, I've been reading also curl test suite file format
<> to clarify some of these doubts,
here I go:
1. What is the main flow that follows when I run for example *./
<> 3017? *I don't know Perl so don't quite understand
this 6000 lines program, until now * <>* is
magic to me. I think that it must read the configuration from the test case
that I specified, in this case *3017, *and supply part of that
configuration to the *server/mqttd.c *program, which I could understand
2. The tag *<reply></reply> *contains the data to be sent to the client on
its request, according to curl test suite file format
<>. For example, in my test case:
*<reply><data nocheck="yes">hello</data><datacheck hex="yes">00 04 31 31 39
30 68 65 6c 6c 6f 5b 4c 46 5d 0a</datacheck># error 5 - "Connection
Refused, not authorized"<servercmd>error-CONNACK 5</servercmd></reply>*
Here I'm telling, in response to the client request, which I don't know
right now, I will send you this *data* and a *CONNACK *packet with error 5.
Which correspond to not authorized, given MQTT v3.1.1.
Is that correct?
3. Now comes the client part. The tag *<command></command>* in my case is:
What I could figure out here, is that this seems to be equivalent to
*curl mqtt://localhost:1883/3017*
of course, I changed *localhost:1883* for *%HOSTIP:%MQTTPORT*
So in case I would like to test *curl -u testuser:testpass
mqtt://localhost:1883/3017, *shoud I just add the *-u testuser:testpass ?? *
* Until now the flow is seems to be as follows:*
1. server will have to return me error 5 in the *CONNACK packet in
response to this client request. Right?*
Well here comes the main point of my doubts, what does the *<verify></verify>
tag? *Reading the name seems pretty clear, but look at this:
*<verify># These are hexadecimal protocol dumps from the client## Strip out
the random part of the client id from the CONNECT message# before
00044d5154540402003c000c6375726c).*/$1/</strippart><protocol>client CONNECT
18 00044d5154540402003c000c6375726cserver CONNACK 2 20020005</protocol># 8
is CURLE_WEIRD_SERVER_REPLY<errorcode>8</errorcode></verify>*
I admit it, the comments give you a clue, but why should I for example
strip the *client ID* from the *CONNECT message?*
Or more important, what does the *<protocol></protocol> tag? *I think it's
defining the flow between the server and the client, but don't understand
for example
this --> *client CONNECT 18 00044d5154540402003c000c6375726c*
*what is 18 for?* Is this parsed and sent to *server/mqttd.c*?
Any resource or advice that you can share is welcome.
I managed to make one test case, but it's more an imitation of other tests
than a proper understanding. I will share here part of the doubts that I
have right now, I've been reading also curl test suite file format
<> to clarify some of these doubts,
here I go:
1. What is the main flow that follows when I run for example *./
<> 3017? *I don't know Perl so don't quite understand
this 6000 lines program, until now * <>* is
magic to me. I think that it must read the configuration from the test case
that I specified, in this case *3017, *and supply part of that
configuration to the *server/mqttd.c *program, which I could understand
2. The tag *<reply></reply> *contains the data to be sent to the client on
its request, according to curl test suite file format
<>. For example, in my test case:
*<reply><data nocheck="yes">hello</data><datacheck hex="yes">00 04 31 31 39
30 68 65 6c 6c 6f 5b 4c 46 5d 0a</datacheck># error 5 - "Connection
Refused, not authorized"<servercmd>error-CONNACK 5</servercmd></reply>*
Here I'm telling, in response to the client request, which I don't know
right now, I will send you this *data* and a *CONNACK *packet with error 5.
Which correspond to not authorized, given MQTT v3.1.1.
Is that correct?
3. Now comes the client part. The tag *<command></command>* in my case is:
What I could figure out here, is that this seems to be equivalent to
*curl mqtt://localhost:1883/3017*
of course, I changed *localhost:1883* for *%HOSTIP:%MQTTPORT*
So in case I would like to test *curl -u testuser:testpass
mqtt://localhost:1883/3017, *shoud I just add the *-u testuser:testpass ?? *
* Until now the flow is seems to be as follows:*
1. server will have to return me error 5 in the *CONNACK packet in
response to this client request. Right?*
Well here comes the main point of my doubts, what does the *<verify></verify>
tag? *Reading the name seems pretty clear, but look at this:
*<verify># These are hexadecimal protocol dumps from the client## Strip out
the random part of the client id from the CONNECT message# before
00044d5154540402003c000c6375726c).*/$1/</strippart><protocol>client CONNECT
18 00044d5154540402003c000c6375726cserver CONNACK 2 20020005</protocol># 8
is CURLE_WEIRD_SERVER_REPLY<errorcode>8</errorcode></verify>*
I admit it, the comments give you a clue, but why should I for example
strip the *client ID* from the *CONNECT message?*
Or more important, what does the *<protocol></protocol> tag? *I think it's
defining the flow between the server and the client, but don't understand
for example
this --> *client CONNECT 18 00044d5154540402003c000c6375726c*
*what is 18 for?* Is this parsed and sent to *server/mqttd.c*?
Any resource or advice that you can share is welcome.