Reminder: curl up 2021 on May 9th
Daniel Stenberg via curl-library
2021-05-05 10:41:26 UTC

This is just a quick reminder that we meet on Sunday May 9th at 13:00 CEST
(11:00 UTC) for curl up 2021 [*]

We will run the meeting over Zoom, and you generally get the best experience
by using a dedicated installed client but it is also possible to join with
just a web browser.

There is right now 5 presentations for curl up that is already in the agenda
and I suggest you go ahead and watch the ones there that you're intersted in,
and then bring your questions and ideas to the meeting. (I might still add
another presentation if I manage to record it before the weekend.)

If you have anything curl or network releated to present or discuss on Sunday,
there's still time and room for you as well!

I will update the curl up wiki page with meeting details shortly before the
meeting starts. And announce it in IRC.


Date: May 9, 2021
Time: 11:00 UTC
Where: zoom meeting, details will be avaiable

[*] = https://github.com/curl/curl-up/wiki/2021

See you!
/ daniel.haxx.se
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